Leave Rules For Staff

Leave is a provision to stay away from work for genuine reasons with prior approval of the authorities. It may be granted for a casual purpose or a planned activity, on medical grounds or in extra-ordinary conditions.
General Rules
i. Leave should always be applied for and sanctioned before it is taken, except in cases of emergency and for satisfactory reasons.
ii. Absence from duty after expiry of leave entails disciplinary action.
iii. Absence without leave will constitute an interruption in service and may result into deduction of salary for the same.
iv. A staff on leave should not take up any service or employment elsewhere without obtaining prior sanction of the competent authority.
There may be the following kinds of Leave admissible to a Teacher or a Non-teaching staff of SANSKRUTI
(i) Casual Leave
(ii) Leave on half average pay
(iii) Leave on medical grounds
(iv)Special Leave in exceptional circumstance
(v) Compensatory Leave
(vi) Extraordinary Leave
(vii) Maternity Leave
(viii) Quarantine Leave


(a) No leave can be claimed as a matter of right

(b) Absence of a Teacher attending duties as Juror in a Law Court or Head Examiners’ Meeting of the Board or having an interview with the Board, if called for by the Board, or if required, to join a seminar State Government or by the Board, shall be treated as on duty.

(c) ‘Medical Certificate’ means a certificate granted by a Registered Medical Practitioner in the following form —
“I …………………. after careful personal examination of the case certify that … ………………………. . whose signature is given above is suffering from … ………………………. and I consider that a period of absence from duty of … …………. … is absolutely necessary for the restoration of his or her health.” Date: … …… … Government Medical Officer or Registered Medical Practitioner.
Leave Rule of Secondary School Teaching and Non-teaching staff
A similar certificate may be necessary when a Teacher or a Non-teaching staff declared fit to rejoin his duties.

2. Casual Leave (CL)
Casual Leave shall not be treated as absence from duty and there shall, consequently, be no interference with the rate of emolument of the Teacher or the Non-teaching staff concerned. A Teacher or a Non-teaching staff of the school may have 14 days of Casual Leave in a calendar year. The Casual Leave may be affixed or prefixed to any holiday or Sunday but the total period including the holiday or Sunday shall not exceed 7 days at a time. Sundays and holidays falling within the period of Casual Leave shall not be counted as a part of the Casual Leave; PROVIDED Casual Leave shall not be affixed or prefixed to any long vacation.

3. Leave on half average pay
A Teacher or a Non-teaching staff of school may be granted 15 days leave on half average pay in a year of service; PROVIDED that the total period of Leave on half average pay which may accrue to the credit of the Teacher or the Non-teaching staff shall not exceed two months; PROVIDED further that during such period a Teacher or a Non-teaching staff shall be entitled to a Leave salary at the rate of half of the average pay.

4. Leave on Medical ground
A Teacher or a Non-teaching staff of a school may be granted 15 days’ Leave on medical ground for each completed year of service spent on duty, on production of medical certificate from a Medical Officer or a Registered Medical practitioner with the application for Leave and a fit certificate at the time of resuming duties. The total period of Leave on medical ground, which may accrue to the credit of a Teacher or a Non-teaching staff shall not exceed one year, that is, 365 days during the whole period of service in a school or schools. During the period of Leave on medical ground the Teacher or the Non-teaching staff will get a salary at the rate of full average pay.

5. Special Leave in exceptional circumstances
In exceptional circumstances a Teacher or a Non-teaching staff of a school may be granted Leave not exceeding 18 months; provided the whole case is reported to the MANAGEMENT OF SANSKRUTI with a concrete proposal which shall have to be approved by the MANAGEMENT A study Leave of any other nature shall, however, not be granted to any Teacher under this rule. The period of leave may be granted on half average pay (or full average pay by the Managing Committee with prior approval of the Director of SANSKRUTI

6. Compensatory Leave
A Teacher or a Non-teaching staff of a school may be granted Compensatory Leave for half the period he or she may be required to attend the school for duty during a long vacation or holidays provided he or she attends the school at least seven days during such vacation or holidays.

7. Extraordinary Leave
If for any unforeseen reason a Teacher or a Non-teaching staff of a school fails to attend his or her duties and if there is no other leave due at his or her credit he or she may be granted Leave without pay at the discretion of the Managing Committee for a period not exceeding two years.

8. Maternity Leave
(1) Maternity Leave may be granted to a permanent female Teacher or a Non-teaching staff, on full pay, for a period which may extend up to the end of three months from the date of its commencement or to the end of six weeks from the date of confinement, whichever is earlier.
(2) Maternity Leave may also be granted to a temporary female Teacher or Non-teaching staff, on full pay, up to four weeks prior to the date & confinement, and four weeks after the date of confinement. PROVIDED that she has been in service for at least nine months immediately preceding the date of delivery.
(3) Maternity Leave may also be granted to a female Teacher or a Non-teaching staff in case of miscarriage or abortion subject to the condition that such Leave shall not exceed six weeks and the application for the Leave is supported by a certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner of a Government Hospital.
9. Quarantine Leave
Quarantine Leave is a Leave of absence from duty necessitated by orders not to attend school in consequence of the presence of infectious disease in the family or household of a Teacher or a Non-teaching staff of a school. Such Leave may be granted on production of a certificate of a Medical or Public Health Officer for a period not exceeding 14 days, or in exceptional circumstances 21 days. Any Leave necessary for quarantine purpose in excess of this period shall be treated as ordinary Leave. Quarantine Leave may also be granted when necessary in continuation of other Leave subject to the above maximum. No substitute shall ordinarily be appointed in place of a Teacher or a Non-teaching staff absent on a quarantine leave. A substitute may, however, be appointed for the absence of a Teacher or a Non-teaching staff on Quarantine Leave, whose duties cannot be arranged otherwise. A Teacher or a Non-teaching staff on quarantine leave is not treated as absent from duty and his or her pay is not intermitted; Explanation -For the purpose of granting Quarantine Leave under this rule the list of infectious diseases shall include the following:
(a) (i) Small Pox
(ii) Scarlet Fever
(iii) Plague (Pneumonic or Bubonic)
(v) Cerebra-Spinal meningitis.

(b) For persons employed in the preparation and distribution of food, the additional diseases should also be treated as infectious:
(i) Dysentery,
(ii) Enteric fever (Typhoid fever),
(iii) Malta fever
(iv) Paratyphoid fever.
10. (i) No kind of leave except Casual Leave should be availed of without written application and previous sanction except in very exceptional circumstances which should be expanded to the satisfaction of the Leave sanctioning authority.
(ii) Any member of Teaching and Non-teaching staff remaining absent for more than 3 days for reasons of illness, shall submit a certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
(iii) Leave for reason of private affairs except Casual Leave must be applied for and got approved before it is availed of. Member of the Teaching and Non-teaching staff before finalizing their private engagement should previously ascertain from the authority concerned as far as practicable whether the Leave asked for a likely to be granted. PROVIDED that in exceptional case of emergency nature in which it was not possible on the part of the staff concerned to apply for the Leave and got it sanctioned before proceeding on leave, formal Leave application fully stating the facts and circumstances necessitating such Leave should be submitted to the authority concerned at the earliest possible opportunity.



Office : Vidisha Road, Pawargarh, Ashoknagar, Madhya Pradesh
City/State: Ashoknagar, Madhya Pradesh

Open Hours

day : Monday - Saturday
Time : 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Phone : +91 99264 73573