in Sanskruti
1. Name - Adwaitam SANSKRUTI
Colour - Blue
House Masters -
Motto - Be Lovable Unique and Excellent.
Description – Adwaitam means unique and special. There is no other like them. It emphasizes on the freedom and
liberty of thoughts and action that lead to the empowerment of selves and others. Adwaitam SANSKRUTI will lead the
society towards eternal peace and prosperity through its remarkable efforts.
2. Name - Aksharam SANSKRUT
COLOUR - Green
House Masters -
Motto - Be Lovable Unique and Excellent.
DESCRIPTION – Aksharam means something which never get exhausted or can’t be finished up. The house color is
Green. The color is indicative of permanent elements like nature, fertility, growth and life. It represents prosperity and
harmony and is the colour of the environment. Aksharam SANSKRUTI will lead the society toward peace and prosperity
with their endless efforts.
House Masters -
Motto - To be Rare but Essential and Dare.
DESCRIPTION – Amritam literally means something without death. It denoys the state of immortality. It is also used as a
noun and as an adjective to describe the quality of sweetness and kindness. Its colour is Red which is indicative of love
and Inexhaustible and incredible energy. The Amritam SANSKRUTI children are messenger of love and they will give
away the positive energy to the world and will contribute to make the world a better place to reside.
COLOUR - Yellow
House Masters -
Motto - Young, Earnest Learners Leading and Outshining the World
DESCRIPTION – Atulyam means incomparable and matchless. The specific and unique qualities which cannot be
compared to others. Its colour is yellow which the colour of Sun is. It symbolizes the dashing, dynamic and determined
personality of the students. Atulyam SANSKRUTI children will be small packets of tremendous energy. They would
spread the light of knowledge on this Earth.